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Die GFFC Akademie ist die Service GmbH der Gesellschaft für Fuß- und Sprunggelenkchirurgie e.V. und kümmert sich um die Organisation und Durchführung der Zertifizierungskurse und des Jahreskongresses. Des weiteren ist die GFFC Akademie der Ansprechpartner der Industrie in den Bereichen Sponsoring, Werbung, Ausstellung etc.
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GFFC and Friends International - Magnetic field in F&A - Drop foot surgical options
Join us for a webinar on Oct 02, 2024 at 9:00 PM CEST.
In October, we will have a GFFC and Friends International Event. (2nd. October 2024 at 9 p.m.). Dr. Danielle Marcolli will talk about the indications of magnetic fields and their working mechanisms, especially in foot and ankle pathologies. Dr. Daniele Marcolli is a Foot and Ankle Surgeon at the Orthopedic Institute G. Pini (Milano, Italy). The second topic, “Drop Foot,” will be presented by Panos Symeonidis, MD, PhD. He is a fellowship-trained Foot and Ankle Surgeon practicing in Thessaloniki, Greece.
I am happy that these two very experienced colleagues and active European Foot and Ankle Society members will share their knowledge on these exciting topics.
As always, everyone who is involved in the treatment of foot and ankle diseases is warmly invited. Besides doctors of all disciplines, physiotherapists, orthopedic technicians, orthopedic shoe technicians, OTAs, MFAs, physician assistants, surgical nursing staff, and podiatrists are also very welcome! The invitation also applies to all employees in the industry who work with products related to the foot and ankle! You are welcome to distribute the invitation further! The webinar is a free offer from the Society for Foot and Ankle Surgery e.V. (GFFC) to anyone interested in feet.
You can register directly with your education number from the Medical Association to get German CME Credits. Upon participation, German physicians will automatically receive 1 point on their continuing education account. International attendees may request a certificate of attendance if needed.
GFFC and Friends International is moderated by Markus Walther and members of the GFFC Scientific Committee.
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